Upgrading Arduino Bootloader The cheap clone (aka knockoff) Arduino boards you find tend to come with the OLD Atmega328p bootloader installed as well as using…
Digital Level Using Arduino Nano & MPU6050
Everyone needs a level at some point whether you are a pro or just hanging a shelf on a wall you want to make sure…
BMW Brake Sensor Bypass
Brake Wear Sensor is a small device that is meant to destroy itself and trigger the BRAKE light to indicate pads are low. Learn how it works and how to bypass it!
Resistor Calculator
Identifying resistor values can be tricky, let’s learn how to identify resistors or calculate the value using a simple online tool, just select the colors of your bands and you’ll know exactly what resistance you have!
Stock Price Indicator Lamp
Let’s build a touch lamp that let’s us scroll through a list of stocks to pull REAL-TIME quotes and indicate the days price change through a glowing color effect using NeoPixels!